Thursday, June 25, 2009

[ P e r f e c t L i f e ]

Today, Cy and I met up with a friend

The first time I felt that my my life is rather


Or maybe his life is just too perfect!

He has a good family background

He found a great part time job

He managed to study

What a perfect life he has!

At least

He would never be bothered by any

Financial Crisis

Like I have!


I might get irritated when he asks me to

Be Positive

Don't stressed out ourselves for the problem

How can I not worry when the problem is never to be solved

I just can't be positive


Take everything easily

I just felt that its hard for me

How I wish I can be as carefree as him

At least I hope I don't have to worry about any financial problem

I just need a perfect life as his!


I'm just not hardworking enough

I need to be determined!

I want to live a Perfect Life !

1 comment:

  1. zzz.donoe....zzz...DONOe...ZZZZ donoe....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
