Monday, May 31, 2010

[ W h a t A t t r a c t s M e ? ]

I really like guys with smiling eyes and strong perfect jawlines! Irresistible..

And most of all guys with perfect fair and flawless skin.. =D

Can't help falling in love with all these attributes..

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

[ F i r s t D a y ]

Yesterday (since it had passed 12am) xD was the first day I worked with my new supervisor, I was anxious at first but I was relieved right after I started my work. Its not that bad, for first day xD I hope it continues like that.. Hehe.. Hmm.. My supervisor seemed very young and happy go lucky kindda girl which really makes me feel comfortable working for her.. My job yesterday were doing some document scanning and arranging the magazines in the rack.. Its a pretty easy job, and I have completed 3 hours for such easy task.. I hope my working period will be as easy going as yesterday.. Hope I can maintain a good relationship with my new supervisor and cooperates well.. xD

Monday, May 17, 2010

[ 人 真 的 很 现 实 ! ]

今天看了某些人的反应, 真的觉得这世界上人类都是现实的东西! 需要你的时候就会"死缠烂打"不要了就当你是透明人! 有够够力的啦! 今天总算让我看清楚你! 很不想这么说, 但是你真的是活该!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

[ I H a t e F a r e w e l l s ]

The above is my farewell email for my scholarship supervisor who had been there for me for few semesters. I've been seeing her for almost a year. Hmm.. I'm really gonna miss her very much. She really had made my scholarship working period so easy and I doubt whether I can find someone like her in the future of my working period. I wishes her all the best in her career~! I'll never forget her.. =]

[ N e w C o l o u r , N e w C h a p t e r o f M y L i f e ]

My favourite colour is no longer black


I got inspired through a movie entitled Boogieman

In the movie a boy was asked, "What is your favourite colour?"

He answered, "Black"

The person replied, "Black is not a colour, black is no colour so it cannot be considered as a colour."

The person add on, "Well, white is all colour and black is of no colour. Its the rule of the spectrum of light."

The boy did not said anything in reply.


My favourite colour had always been black, it hadn't change in so many years. From this movie, I found out that I've always been 'no colour'. That's why sometimes I feel like I was alone and sorrowful, but everything change now, I am confirm that I am not 'black' anymore instead I AM 'White'. Life is full of ups and downs, cheerful atmosphere might be represented by bright colour such as yellow, blissfulness portrayed through colours like purple and white, and anger represented by red perhaps..

Life is all colours and I had indeed accepted this fact, I won't be no colour anymore instead I am colourful..

All colours are my favorite now except pink, I am still doubting whether am I able to accept pink~ xD